
Cross Arthurlie Primary School


East Renfrewshire Council



Who we worked with

  • Architect: East Renfrewshire Council
  • Quantity Surveyor: East Renfrewshire Council
  • Services: Innovated Design Solutions
  • Structural/Civil Engineer: Harley Haddow




A 400m2 new build extension along with major refurbishment and alterations to Cross Arthurlie Primary School to provide early years facilities for up to 60 children with the school remaining operational throughout.

The extension was constructed on a split level linked by a ramped access and atrium above.

The extension provided entrance and circulation areas, play and learning areas, staff and pupil WCs, laundry rooms and stores.

An external play area is formed by a large canopy formed as part of the roof structure along with hard and soft landscaping to the external play are along with play equipment, retaining walls stairs, railings, gates and metal palisade fencing and reconfiguration of the parking facilities.

The primary construction was structural steel with contractor design timber infill, largely finished with brick façade with timber cladding and curtain wall feature details. The roof was a combination of single ply and composite metal panels.

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